Montessori Plus

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A New Year in Our Montessori World

Ringing in the New Year brings the promise of exciting growth within the lives of the children around us.  Each day can be an adventure in the life of a child.   There should be opportunities to experience nature, learn a new skill, laugh, sing and sit back and watch with amazement at how quickly they build their intelligence!   

Montessori stated, “The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn.”   

One of the practices that I adhered to while teaching in a Montessori classroom was to take the time in January to ask each child individually what they wanted to learn in the new year.  What lessons did they want to be shown?  This simple practice helped them to set a goal and develop their “natural desire to learn.”   I quickly discovered that if I wanted a true answer and not one over heard from another child, that I would need to sit with them one-on-one.  I allowed the children to see me write down what they wanted to learn and together we created goals for them for the next few months.  This practice was one of my favorite moments with my young students.   It was wonderful to see the excitement of them planning their learning experiences!

As this process unfolded, I explained to the children that there maybe work they need to learn before being shown their desired work.  This little exercise could be seen as an introduction to time management as they waited for a work or practiced skills leading up to their desired new experience.  Once you begin giving presentations in line with their desires you will see a flow of positive energy and activity develop within the dynamics of your classroom.   The whole process of goal setting leads the child to independence and fosters their own natural desire to learn.

As you begin your work with the children in your life, sit down, listen, watch and observe…..what are they interested in?  What do they want to learn?  When you take the time to structure new presentations to meet their needs, then you will see intelligence, attention span, and maturity within the child grow!  I hope 2018 is an exciting year in your classroom for the children and you!

“Our goal is not so much the imparting of knowledge as the unveiling and developing of spiritual energy.”   Maria Montessori