Geometrical Solids Nomenclature Cards


Geometrical Solids Nomenclature Cards


This product contains 10 pages of nomenclature cards corresponding to the 10 geometrical solids.  To the left, 2 of the pages are illustrated.

When you purchase this item, you will receive the product depicted to the left without the copyright watermark. 

Purchasing & Licensing

Once your payment is processed, you will immediately be sent a link to the materials you purchased. The link will be active for 24-hours only and only accessible through the email address you provide during purchase.

When you purchase this product, you may make copies for only your students in your classroom. Please do not give the original or make copies for your friends, colleagues, or family. If you have other questions, please contact me or refer to the licensing page

If you have problems with the download, please contact me immediately. 

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